Last Updated: Mar 11, 2025

ACCURATE HOME INSPECTIONS OF SOUTH FLORIDA, INC. provides valuable information about the condition of a house. The report identifies problems as well as the positive aspects that owners, agents and lenders should know. I provide ETHICAL DISCLOSURE in an easy to understand and pleasant manner. I adhere to all the Inspector Association’s stringent standards of practice and code of ethics.

I have been involved in all phases of construction and maintenance from roofing to plumbing.

I am a member in good standing of the The National Association of Certified Home Inspectors and I have passed NACHI’s inspectors examination. I abide by NACHI’s Code of Ethics and follow their requirements of 18 hours of continuing education each year. I have passed the Environmental Solutions Association’s Mold 200 Advanced course for mold inspections and I’m a member of the Pro Lab Partner Program.

Scott Keiper


Congratulations, you’ve found the right home for you!
Now as your real estate agent or attorney has advised, it is important to have a professional, completely impartial inspection as soon as possible. Then if repairs are indicated, they can be made well ahead of time avoiding stressful and sometimes costly delays in the closing.

All parties to the real estate transaction benefit by a professional unbiased inspection. It determines the physical condition of the property, as opposed to just the appraisal or market value of the property. No prudent person wants to purchase a home and find out later it has significant and costly defects. An impartial inspection also protects the seller and the Realtor against the possibility of problems surfacing which could prevent the sale or cause other difficulties later.

An inspection report does not pass or fail a home. The report simply describes the condition and indicates items which may need repair or replacement. It is a confidential report given to you solely for your use.

Most banks and mortgage companies require professional inspections for homes older than five years, but it is important to know the home you’re buying even if it is new.


Like most professionals you choose to retain, you building inspector will probably be referred to you by his past clients, you Realtor, attorney, or lender.

It’s important you inspector be fully qualified. Qualifications include a background in construction, at least a technical education, and are properly licensed and insured. The professional, experienced inspector will have no conflicts of interest – completely uninvolved with any real estate or home repair business.

FEE SCHEDULE  (based on size of home – not price)

Includes all listed items and much more for homes under 2500 sq. ft. (under roof)
and less than 20 years old.

Includes full report excluding common elements.

Includes full report on unit excluding roof and common elements.

ROOF ONLY* - $100
Includes visual inspection of roof surface, exposed flashings, soffits and fascia,
accessible attic areas, and interior ceilings.

POOL – SPA – HOT TUB - $50 (each)
Includes visual inspection of roof, electrical, plumbing, and HVAC.

4-POINT INSPECTION - call for pricing
Includes visual inspection of roof, electrical, plumbing and HVAC.

OTHER INSPECTIONS (quoted upon request)

Mold Commercial Buildings
Septic Solar Equipment
Sprinklers Apartment Buildings
Radon Measurements Additional structures
Water Analysis  

*NOTE: For homes more than 2500 sq. ft. (under roof), add 8 cents per square foot. For homes more than 20 years old or raised foundation add $25.00.

Minimum service charge: $75.00
Payment due at time of inspection.

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