Last Updated: Mar 13, 2025

Eastside Hangers Inc. has an exceptional reputation continuing to grow by the word of mouth advertising from previous clients and suppliers such as Igloo Building Supplies Group, Consolidated Gypsum Supply Ltd. and Dryco Building Supplies Inc. – Edmonton Division to name just a few. In the first year of our business we were boarding 30 homes per year. Within 2 years we have already grown to boarding 350 houses for builders such as Homes by Avi, Sable Homes, Davery Homes and other private residential customers.

As of 2010 Eastside has put a lot of effort into the commercial side of construction to become a much more diversified company that will continue to grow even if the residential markets cool off. These efforts are already paying dividends to the company as we have the opportunity to start working with new clients such as Ledcor Construction, PCL Construction, Ellisdon Construction, and Chandos Construction just to name a few. These companies have been very accepting of Eastside and are asking us specifically to bid on some of their private tenders because of the expertise that we employ. These companies can just make on call to us to make sure that their project is running on schedule just because of the large scope of work that we are able to perform. This has given us a great opportunity for us to grow in the direction that we have been forecasting in our business plan.

In August of 2010 we started up another division of Eastside Hangers call Smart Choice Thermo Barriers which is a poly urethane spray foam company. With the expansion into the commercial sector, it was just a great fit for us as many of the projects that we are now doing and bidding on have the poly urethane spray foam as part of the contract. We are very excited about our new sister company coming into the market place as we feel that it will take off in a direction that we have to maintain control of. There is a new wave out in the market place about the environment and about saving energies, this is what we are all about is to create long term savings for our clients by using our products and expertise. We have all state of the art equipment and all of our personal have been trained specifically for this equipment and the scope of work that it can perform which can be as broad as you can imagine. We are finding new ways of application for these products as well as many new ideas from our clients. These challenges have brought us to a new level in business, as we are always striving to be on the top. This takes a lot of diligence and time to become successful and recognized in the market place as one of the professionals that you can rely on and truss. Our goal and mission is to have our business built on a truss relationship with all of our clients.

Eastside Hangers Inc. has employs a staff and subcontractors of approximately 140 people. With our growth, we have been able to branch out into the commercial construction field which brings on new challenges as well as new people and companies that we will be working with such as Johnston Builders and Albos Development, Ledcor Construction etc. Currently with our expansions in our business ventures we are not just in Alberta but have gone to Eastern Canada & South America. Our mission is to grow our company to its maximum capacity and level of expertise.

We are also in the demolition sector to help out our current customers in what they are building or renovating and we are certain that this will enable us to expand our future business as well. The commercial side of construction has given us a great opportunity to expand our business scope of work that we are able to provide to our clients.

So you can see that it just does not matter what the scope of work that is needed, we are there to provide it for our clients. Whatever they need from us we are doing our best to go beyond the call of duty for these projects. This in turn gains us the exposure that we want to enable us to grow into that first class company that we are already known for. So, whatever the need is, it is just one call away, to Eastside and they will get it done for you.

We also are members of the Alberta Construction Safety Association, Alberta Construction Association, Edmonton Construction Association and Alberta Wall and Ceiling Association.

We take great pride in everything that we do just as our logo insinuates “Aim for the Professionals”. We strive on the relationships we build with our clientele and will continue to grow with our belief of providing the very best of professionalism, second to none in workmanship and the outstanding proof of our excellent work.

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