Last Updated: Feb 23, 2025

How we work for you!

When you decide to buy or refinance a home, we work for you to find the best loan possible to fit your needs. With our experience, knowledge, and resources we work to get you the lowest interest rate with the terms you are looking for: number of years financed, amount of down payment, fixed rate, etc. If you have questions about obtaining your new home or refinancing your current home we can help, just call one of our local offices and a friendly member of our staff will gladly take the time to answer any questions you might have and go over all of your options. We also handle the entire process from start to finish to make your new purchase or refinance effortless.

We are a locally owned and operated mortgage company licensed in Virginia, but mainly serve Southwest Virginia, with offices in Marion and Abingdon Virginia. Established in 1998 our staff has combined mortgage experience of over 30 years!

Whether you have money for a down payment or you need a 100% home loan, we can help!

Just give us a call, stop by one of our offices, or submit an online application, whichever is easiest for you!

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