Family Network Chiropractic
We Offer:
Last Updated: Feb 23, 2025
We'll introduce you to yourself!Our serices consist of you being on a table as the doctor uses light touches and verbal coaching to help you start to connect with yourself; to better understand your inner world. What we offer goes far beyond anything found at a Structural-only chiropractic office. There are similiarites between what you're probably used to receiving from a structural chiropractor. And these types of chiropractors do a world of good for many. But what they offer has limits. NSA is the next evolutionary step up in chiropractic care. We are here to help your mind connect with your body and to get the two talking back and forth with regularity. This results in a higher functioning nervous system, which enhances every aspect of your life and being. Pain relief is part of it by default, but is not the main thrust. Also, as you progress through the care, you'll start to unearth old hurts and other negative energies stored within you that may have been thwarting your positive growth for years. Your habits will start to change as you awaken to your true self. This then allows you to start the journey of beco ing who you were always meant to be. Not only does your life become better for this, but the lives of those around you and even the lives of strangers, whom you may never meet will also improve. This will create a richer, healthier, and more satisfying life experience that will start to make itself clear to you over time. Things will seem to be getting better. Are they? Maybe. But the really cool thing is that even if they aren't, you have become someone better able to handle such things, which results in "bad" things bothering you less. Like the pain relief, your peace and happiness come about by default. You never actually pursue them. They just arrive naturally, They too, are the result of a higher functioning nervous system. |