Last Updated: Mar 13, 2025

Captain Roderick D. Steele was born in 1841 and raised in Nova Scotia within sight of the Atlantic Ocean. Like so many young men in his day, he went to sea at an early age. He worked his way up and became a ship captain holding a "Master of All Oceans" license.

The Port Arthur area was one of Captain Steele's favorite ports of call. In 1900 he retired from the sea and chose Port Arthur as his home. He soon became involved in the Marine Insurance business providing protection for hulls, liability and cargo. He was appointed by the National Cargo Bureau of New York as its representative for the Ports of Sabine, Orange, Beaumont, and Port Arthur. The National Cargo Bureau wanted to be sure ships were loaded properly to prevent shifting of cargo at sea.

In 1924, Captain Steele hired a young Port Arthur College graduate, Julian Salter. Julian, like so many, had been attracted to Port Arthur by the growing oil refining industry. He had earlier tried his hand as a butcher, roughneck in the oil patch, and worked for The Texas Company Oil Refinery.

The insurance business had a natural attraction for young Salter and he made a good blend with the "Salty" Captain Steele. Edith Steele, Captain Steele's sister, was secretary and Captain Steele's son, John R. Steele, handled the National Cargo Bureau duties. During this time, the company became known as Steele, Salter & Company. The firm also sold real estate. Their biggest transaction was the sale of small sections of the Interurban right of way to the various adjoining property owners. The Interurban R.R. track which ran to Beaumont had cut through the back yards of hundreds of lots in Port Arthur. Purchase of this property enabled home owners to complete their lot or acreage once the rail was discontinued.

During the late 1930's, Mr. E. A., Bunge, a Dutch land banker, came to Port Arthur opening a branch of the Holland Texas Hypotheek Bank (Mortgage Bank). This bank replaced loans previoulsy provided by Port Arthur Land Company and Port Arthur Town Site Company, firms organized by Arthur Stilwell. The bank's home office was in The Netherlands and it financed many homes in the expanding city of Port Arthur. Julian Salter and Elizabeth Ballard became officers in the bank and E. A. Bunge joined the Insurance Agency. The agency became Steele, Salter, and Bunge. In 1940, the Nazis overran the Netherlands and the funds for the Hypotheek Bank were frozen when Queen Whilhelmina sought exile in England. The Bunges and Tommy, their son, were well liked in Port Arhtur. Regrettably, the Bunge family moved to Cleveland, Ohio.

Captain Steele, who was so much a part of Port Arthur, died in 1947 at the age of 106. Early residents of Port Arthur remember Captain Steele with his white shoulder length hair and rugged personality and his "knowing" smile.

The Insurance Agency grew under Julian Salter's leadership and diversified into all aspects of insurance. The firm became Julian Salter Company and proudly carried forward the traditions and principles Captain Steele had established in 1900. Hilda and Julian had two sons, Julian "Clayton" and Neil T. Salter. Clayton became active in the agency in 1952 and Neil chose automobile finance. Today the agency is owned by Clayton & Elsie’s son Stuart and the company agency is located at

3230 Central Mall Drive Port Arthur Texas .

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