We Offer:
  • Windows Operating System Install / Upgrade
  • Full Hard Drive Backup
  • Home Network Setup
Last Updated: Mar 9, 2025

Computer Problems Got you feeling down?

Computer Repair Galveston County

Who are Mobile Computer Geeks?

Mobile Computer Geeks, LLC has been servicing the computer needs of Galveston County for years.  With our fearless leader, and his nearly three decades of experience, we have expanded our service area from Galveston County to include parts of Brazoria and Harris Counties as a convenient storefront in central Galveston County. (La Marque, Texas City, Hitchcock, Santa Fe, Galveston, Port Boliver, Dickinson, League City, Kemah, Alvin, Clear Lake, South Houston, Baycliff)

Under his guidance, our technicians have become proficient at virtually all areas of computer service including: virus removal, hardware diagnostic, hardware replacement, software issues, custom built-PCs, computer upgrades, networking (including installing, configuring, and troubleshooting networks, both wireless and otherwise), server administration, and general helpdesk support.

It’s obvious that you’re in good hands with Mobile Computer Geeks because in the words of our owner, “Your computer problem is NO problem!” 

You don’t have to pull your computer out of the desk, untangle the wires, take it out of your way to the repair shop, and wait upwards of two weeks to get your computer back. Many people use their personal computers for business, playing games, and school work and find it easier, and in most circumstances, cheaper to have us come out to their home or business to have it repaired. Let us be you personal Help Desk!

Let us get you cheering again!

Computer Repair Service Galveston County


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