Last Updated: Feb 23, 2025


A Quick History of MACFCU

Our credit union was chartered in 1952.  For many years, we served primarily active duty and civil service personnel associated with Fort Wainwright.  Then, in 2001, we branched into the community of Fairbanks and now serve all of the Fairbanks North Star Borough.  Through mobile banking, remote deposit capture and shared branching, we serve members across the globe.

Want more details about how the best credit union in Alaska got started? Here you go!

Our History

1952 Our credit union began when federal employees attempted to unionize and decided to organize a credit union for the benefit of all government employees in the Fairbanks area. The original name was the Tanana Valley Federal Credit Union and the charter was signed in September of 1952.
1957 At organization the membership included anyone working for the Federal Territorial or City government within 100 miles of Fairbanks, Alaska and was located in Fairbanks. In 1957, the membership was opened to active military and their families.
1960 In 1960 the office moved onto Ladd Air Force Base.
1961 Ladd Air Force Base became Ft. Wainwright in 1961.
1962 In 1962 the field of membership was changed again, dropping Air Force personnel and the Federal employees not connected with Ft. Wainwright.
1965 Became Ft. Wainwright Federal Credit Union.
1974 In 1974 the field of membership was altered to include anyone working on or affiliated with Ft. Wainwright, i.e. AAFES employees, vendors, contractors as well as military.
1983 Employees of three local businesses which were not being served by a credit union were added in 1983. At the same time, the charter was expanded to those living in the primary household to include anyone related to the primary member by blood or marriage.
1987 BLM was included in 1987 when the Alaska Firefighters moved on post. Since that time we have added the Association of the United States Army (AUSA) to our charter as well.
2001 Our first branch opened at 1211 Cushman Street, September 13, 2001. After the events of September 11 there was a need for a branch off post. We planned on opening a full branch in 2002 but felt that the need was too great to wait, with the new security measures in place on post.
2002 In January 2002 we became Military and Civilian Federal Credit Union. In August of 2002, we received NCUA’s underserved designation that allowed us to welcome into our membership those who live, work, worship, or attend school in the Fairbanks-North Star Borough, including businesses and other legal entities.
2004 We opened our Steese Branch at 314 Old Steese Highway in Fairbanks March 2004.
2006 Our new building at 541 10th Avenue was completed February 2006. It combined our two Fairbanks branches, 314 Old Steese and 1211 Cushman, into a full service branch and drive-thru.
2011 Became MAC Federal Credit Union.
Present There are MACFCU ATM machines in numerous locations around Fairbanks and Ft. Wainwright. MAC is easily accessible to all members regardless of location.
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