We Offer:
  • We cover the following areas:
  • Grounds
  • Exterior
  • Foundation
  • Roof
  • Plumbing
  • Heating & Air
  • Electrical
  • Interior
Last Updated: Mar 14, 2025

Hello, my name is Ray Lecours and I am the president and owner of Best Check Inspection services. I am going to be your inspector. I have been invloved with homes in every aspect from inspections to sales to construction. Having been around the business all my life has given me the knowledge and skills to service you with the best possible home inspection that you deserve. Below you will find a brief summary of my career and education to give you a glimpse of what I bring to the table.

Jan 2004 - Present President of BestCheck Inspection Services.
A Division of 538947 Ontario Limited.
2000-2002 COCO Paving - Heavy Equipment Operator:
Responsible for operating backhoes, bulldozer, front end loaders, skid steer loaders, installation of storm, water, and sanitary lines in residential dwellings and townhouses. backfilling around single family residential units and townhouses, excavating driveways, repairing storm water and sanitary sewers, and foundations and walls.
1992-2000 Licensed Real Estate Sales Representative
1992-1996 Licensed builder with Ontario New Program Vender Builder #24237
1984-1992 Responsible for operating, maintaining heavy equipment, backhoes, bulldozers, graders, track loader etc. Setting grades for parking lots, digging foundations and rat walls for commercial and residential properties. Demolition of residential and commercial properties
1989-1991 Framer/ labourer, general carpentry and rough framing of single and multi-family dwellings


2007 A.H.I.T. Certification
2006 Defect Recognition course with O.A.H.I
2004 Licensed Energy Auditor with the Government of Ontario
1989 - Univeristy of Windsor Degree in Special Bachelor of Commerce

My Objectives and Goals

Keeping in mind the health and safety of my client and those who may use the property I inspect, it is my objective to achieve the following goals:

  • Proactively engage in continuing education to increase the breadth and depth of knowledge in the field of property inspections
  • Identify any defect that may be hazardous to my clients, any occupants of the property, or the property itself and fully report such items
  • Provide the best possible inspection and report, that will meet AND exceed current industry minimum standards
  • Exhibit positive, professional, and encouraging presentation before, during, and after an inspection
  • Aid in the communication of an accurate description of the property to all parties involved after all, anything can be fixed
  • Not use any inflammatory vocabulary, negative body language, or other forms of non-constructive and unwarranted forms of communication
  • Be available for clarification of the written report when and where needed
  • Adequately represent the high standards of professionalism of those who refer my services so as to reflect positively on the faith entrusted to us
  • Help the community I serve by aiding in developing safer living and working conditions in the properties we inspect
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