Last Updated: Mar 14, 2025

My story begins quite by accident! 

Each day I wake up, I go to work, stuggle to make enough to pay the bills, come home and generally go to sleep with knots in my neck due to the tension and stress of everyday life! Someone once told me that JOB simply means just over budget! I live in a resort town and although they say its four seasons depending on weather some years we barely get two! I always wanted to retire, travel and see the world! 

Two years ago I got a chance to travel accross this wonderful country.OK so I had time due to being laid off from work, but it made me realize that I can't wait to enjoy life when I am retired I want to be able to enjoy life now!!! 

I had decided I needed to find a plan B. I needed to discover a way that I could enjoy life and not have it hurt my diminishing savings account!!! Working would pay the bills but than I would still return home each night with the same knots and worries! Then a friend invited me to a girls night out. Being tired...I hestiated but having already committed I bucked up and went! Boy am I glad I did. What I saw not only amazed but inspired me!  I found a new comfort. I found peace and tranquilty and I found a relief from all the stress!  When you walk into a room and smell scents of freshed baked goods and vanilla and berrys you can't help but feel more relaxed and you just lean into the feelings and suddenly the world doesn't seem as harsh and your troubles don't seem as monsterous!  I left feeling uplifted and excited and I wanted to share that experience with everyone I knew.

Although I have only just begun on my journey I have already been able to help friends and family enjoy the scentsy experience and its not just about the smells and the scents its about friendships and spending time laughing and enjoying others. It's about renewing our youth and remembering how much life there is still out there to enjoy and not allowing the stresses of everyday life slow us down!

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