We Offer:
  • Bankruptcy
  • Personal Injury
  • Consumer Credit Counseling
Last Updated: Mar 13, 2025

Professional Background

For over 13 years, Scott F. Humble has represented plaintiffs in matters involving accident injuries and malpractice and has represented individuals who need assistance with financial restructuring

Scott received his law degree in 1988 from Thomas M. Cooley Law School and his undergraduate B.S. degree in 1984 from the State University of New York. He is licensed to practice in the State of New York and the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania and before the U.S. District Courts for the Western Districts of New York and Pennslyvania, as well as the U.S. Bankruptcy Court for the Western District of New York and the Middle District of Pennsylvania. Attorney Humble is a member of the Association of Trial Lawyers of America, the National Association of Consumer Bankruptcy Attorneys, Inc., the Erie County Bar Association, the Jamestown Bar Association, and the Bar Association of Northern Chautauqua County.

Professional Philosophy
I have been practicing for over 13 years, initially maintaining a general practices; however, approximately 8 years ago, I started concentrating on personal injury and bankruptcy law. We have been very successful with both areas on behalf of our clients.

Our niche with personal injury cases has been our success in obtaining monies for clients who have difficult cases. Although our cases have not been easy, we have worked hard to obtain favorable results because the client deserved fair results.

It is our plan to continue to assist clients who have been injured, regardless of the manner of or reason for the injury, and to provide first-class service either to settle or to litigate the matter and obtain them the most favorable result.

In addition, we have been able to "corner the market" in representing clients with financial difficulties. We presently are the largest filer of bankruptcies in the area, and the next largest filer is a distant second.

It is our intent to offer first-rate services in the financial reorganization area of Chapter 7 and Chapter 13 to assist our clients in obtaining the financial relief that they need.

What these areas have in common is our undying commitment to provide top-notch services and thoroughly- trained specialists in the field ... and to do so in an unselfish and client-advocate position, with the promise to put our clients before ourselves.

Our attitude is a major reason why we have been successful in attracting, maintaining, and continuing to attract new clients. Because we have suffered some of the trials and tribulations that our prospective clients, present clients, and past clients have endured, we can relate to them on a level that many other attorneys cannot. We do not take a high-pressure approach with our clients; we save that approach to use on our clients' behalf when needed in the future. We talk to our clients at a level they can appreciate, and we give them the information they need in order to feel comfortable with their case and to understand what to expect in the future.

Furthermore, we are well-suited to assist you with these types of situations because of our broad legal and nonlegal experience. Whether it is an injury involving a form of transportation (such as a vehicle, motorcycle, or airplane) or a construction-type injury, we have vast knowledge and experience in these areas upon which to draw.

On the financial organization side of things, many times I am asked why it is to the client's benefit to hire an attorney who has a good working knowledge of the local economy, the housing values, and the relevant values of, for example, other modes of transportation (such as motorcycles and four-wheelers.) The answer makes sense once you understand that, in bankruptcy, opinions of value often are the determining factors when choosing between Chapter 7 and Chapter 13 and when determining the level of payment to the creditors in a Chapter 13 proceeding. This knowledge gives us the best opportunity to plan and strategize - which saves you money in the long run, not only on the original attorneys' fees but also on the bankruptcy itself.


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