Last Updated: Feb 23, 2025

Field Law

Death and Disability

Tough subjects to talk about but when the time comes there is no avoiding it. Time and circumstance will take its toll no matter our intentions.


But one can prepare for those outcomes and in the process provide relief and some degree of certainty for either yourself and/or your loved ones.

Estate planning is one of those things people always seem to want to put off. That’s the normal condition. But time is ticking and as they say one does not know ‘when your number is up’. Make it a priority to get your estate plan handled. Listen to that financial advisor of yours. Get your financial affairs in order.

At Field Law, P.A., attorney Joseph Field has dedicated 22 years to helping individuals establish sound and practical estate plans whether utilizing a Will or the more private and confidential Revocable “Living” Trust. Mr. Field will take you through the process so that you know your options and are in a position to choose wisely what is appropriate for you. Having next of kin handle one’s estate can prove challenging if an estate plan has not been properly set forth in advance. In-fighting among family members can occur or delay and expense to resolve unnecessary discrepancies may result. Establishing a sound financial estate plan keeps the memory of you in good order.

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