Last Updated: Feb 23, 2025

Benes Well Drilling

Member of Minnesota and National Ground Water Associations

Benes Well Drilling was started by Ed and Eleanor Benes in 1962. There was nothing glamorous about starting a well drilling business, just hard work. Being new to the business, the hardest part for Ed were the fundamentals, like knowing when he was in water and differentiating the various ground formations. Running the drill itself was no problem. But it was exciting when a customer would call and even more exciting when water was found.

Early on, Eleanor discovered she had the ability to find water so she had a new job in dowsing the well locations - a legacy that she has passed on to Dale. No one seems to know why it works for some people and not for others, but it is clearly an asset where other drillers have tried and failed. A good dowser can also tell you how far the water is down to within a couple of feet.

Over the years, Ed and Eleanor added drill rigs of various types to help as the business grew. Then in 1989 their sons - Dale and Bruce - bought the business from their parents. For several years, they were only able to run 2 of the rigs until the time came that Dale's sons -Rob and Casey - got old enough to help out. From starting out with a simple 1-rig drilling company, Benes Well Drilling expanded into rotary drilling and is now licensed in geo-thermal drilling (IGSHPA rated) as well. With two young sons picking up the company reins, Benes Well Drilling will continue to be YOUR well drilling company for many years to come.

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