We Offer:
  • Private and semi-private lessons
  • piano/keyboard
  • violin
  • voice
  • guitar
  • woodwinds
  • brass
  • theory
Last Updated: Mar 14, 2025

Questions and Answers

Does my child need an instrument to practice on at home?
Yes, in order to succeed, the child will need to practice on a daily basis at home. Beginning students should aim for 10 – 20 minutes each day.  As they progress, practice time will need to be increased.  Some practicing each day is more effective than trying to “cram” it into one evening.

How long is a music lesson?
A music lesson is ½ hour long to begin.  The student is acquiring basic skills and there is sufficient time in the half-hour to review what was assigned the previous week and to further develop the skills and add new concepts.  At Whitby School of Music, theory is taught as part of the lesson.  When a student reaches Grade 4 or 5 level, the lesson time may be increased to 45 minutes.  At the Grade 7 or 8 level, the lesson time is generally 1 hour long.  Lesson times are increased because the pieces become longer and the concepts more complex.  Too long a lesson to begin causes boredom and frustration in the student. In the case of guitar, too long a lesson can cause pain in the fingers from depressing the strings.  At Whitby School of Music, the teacher will advise you when a longer lesson is necessary.

How quickly will my child progress?
Progress is dependent mainly on the effort put in by the student.  If a student practises on a daily basis, there will be progress each week and the student will quickly develop an understanding of the  instrument and be able to play pieces with confidence.  Age and talent also play a role.  A younger student may progress more slowly than a student that begins at the age of 9 or 10.  Teachers at Whitby School of Music guide each student at their level of achievement and encourage them to progress.  A student will never be held back and similarly a student will never be pushed beyond their capabilities.  We try to make the learning of music a positive and enjoyable experience.

Should I buy a piano or keyboard for my beginning piano student?
That depends totally on your budget.  Many parents opt for a keyboard initially to see if the child has an interest in music.  Keyboards range in price from a hundred dollars to several thousand dollars.  The important thing to note when purchasing a keyboard is that it has 61 full-sized keys.  This will be sufficient for up to 2 years.  A keyboard stand will ensure that the instrument is at the correct height and a keyboard stool will allow the student to sit comfortably at the instrument, as they would at a piano.  Keyboards are available in a wide range of makes and models and can be purchased at music stores, Costco and even Toys R Us.  Call the school if you need any additional information.

Piano prices usually begin at several thousand dollars.  Used pianos are often available for a competitive price, however it is a good idea to have a professional piano tuner look over the instrument for damage not noticeable by a non-musician. An expense of approximately $100 for the tuner can save thousands of dollars in repair bills.  Again, telephone the school if you need advise on the purchase of an instrument.  Bear in mind that a piano needs to be tuned at least once each year and is best placed in a room with a steady temperature and humidity level.  A piano should never be placed against an outside wall or in the basement.

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