Last Updated: Mar 13, 2025

Members are Owners!

Our members, unlike the customers of banks and trust companies, have a voice in the way our organization is run. Members participate in the Annual General Meeting and elect (and/or stand for election to) the Board of Directors. Lakeland Credit Union members also share in the profits through dividend/patronage rebates.

These privileges are yours when you purchase common shares and become a member of Lakeland Credit Union:

  • Ensuring ultimate ownership and control of Lakeland Credit Union rests with our member owners
  • Delivering services that fulfill real needs, provide superior value and contribute to the economic well-being of our members in a cost beneficial and ethical manner
  • Ensuring the future strength and economic viability of the Credit Union by managing its affairs in a prudent and strategically sound manner
  • Building capital reserves by alotting surplus earning firstly to general/reserves/retained earnings and secondly, by payment of profit driven dividends
  • Encouraging thrift, self help, free enterprise, financial planning and the wise use of credit by providing guidance and counseling to assist members in making well informed decisions when managing their financial affairs

The Community Advantage

  • Cultivating and maintaining business and social relationships reflecting leadership, integrity and responsibility
  • Contributing to the social, economical and environmental well being of the community at large by reinvesting resources and leadership

Please contact us if you have any questions or if you want to become a member.

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