Last Updated: Feb 23, 2025
Some of our services include the following:
A typical home inspection includes a visual inspection and operational check of the following:
- Structural Systems—foundations, floors, walls, etc.
- Electrical Systems—wiring, main service panels, conductors, switches, receptacles, etc.
- Air Conditioning Systems—cooling and air handling equipment, controls, and ducting.
- Heating Systems—equipment, safety controls, distribution systems, chimneys, etc.
- Plumbing Systems—piping, fixtures, faucets, water heating, fuel storage system, etc.
- Ventilation and Insulation—attics, basements, walls, floors, foundations, kitchen, bathrooms, etc.
- Roofing—coverings, flashings, chimneys, etc.
- Exterior—siding, windows, decks, garage doors, drainage, retaining walls, etc.
Interior—partitions, ceilings, floors, doors, windows, built-in appliances, etc
Prices vary depending on the size and age of the home.
Providing Manufactured Home Foundation Certifications
If you are selling or buying a manufactured home, then most likely a foundation certification will be required. For all FHA and VA loans, an engineer's foundation certification is required that states that the home is placed on a permanent foundation that complies with the "HUD Permanent Foundation Guide for Manufactured Homes", dated 1996 by the US Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD).
We have partnered with the engineers at Foundation Certifications to provide a turn-key foundation certification service to you. You may place your order online by going to