Last Updated: Mar 12, 2025

Whether you are buying or selling a home, having a professional home inspection from Sportel Home Inspections LLC will give you peace of mind and assist you in a fair and smooth transaction.
Sportel Home Inspections LLC is a dedicated and professional home inspection company serving Kandiyohi, Renville, Meeker, Chippewa, Pope, Stearns and Swift Counties in West Central Minnesota. I am here to help you make an informed buying decision. My home inspections typically range from 2-3 hours long depending on the size of the house and you are invited to follow along as I perform your inspection.
I take great pride in every inspection I perform. The inspection will start with a brief explanation of the inspection process. At the completion I will prepare the detailed inspection report on the property.

Call me today at (320) 979-3846 to book your home inspection!

Our inspection services include:

One of the biggest reasons to get a

home inspection is "Peace of Mind."

You want to know exactly what you're

buying before you buy. An objective

professional home inspection is your

best tool when it comes to making the

most of your investment.  

Reasons for getting an Inspection:
1. Is the home safe?
2. Is everything operational?
3. Is the home structurally and

    mechanically functional?
4. Are there deficiencies or signs

    of potential failure?
5. Are components installed in a

    professional manner?
6. Should repairs be made?

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