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Last Updated: Oct 4, 2024

How it All Began...

Bob Scocozzo and Charles Umphred were introduced to home-based network marketing in 1988. They have reached top-level positions in every company they were associated with and have had organizations of over 50,000 distributors globally.

Carmen and Lynn Milazzo started making candles in their kitchen over a decade ago. They were one of the first companies to introduce candles to the fundraising industry and built a huge, thriving business in retail, wholesale and fundraising.

While doing a "candle fundraiser" for his son's sports team, Bob started talking to the manufacturers of those candles, Carmen and Lynn Milazzo. They told Bob about a new candle they had been working on for a few years which was made from "alternative" ingredients such as vegetables and other natural, renewable sources. What got Bob's attention was the fact that this new candle burned practically soot free and it smelled better than any candle Bob had ever smelled. 

Scocozzo and Umphred asked the Milazzo's for an exclusive contract to market the candle nationwide and eventually internationally. They named the new candle Mia Bella after Bob's daughter who Bob calls "My good luck charm!" 

Wherever we sent the candles our customers and friends would call us back and tell us that the Mia Bella Candle was the best performing candle they had ever tried. Everyone commented on how REAL the scents smelled, they were amazed at how CLEAN and EVEN they burned too. 

The Milazzo's, Scocozzo and Umphred combined forces to form Scent-Sations Inc. in September 2002.

Scent-Sations' goal is to implement a home based business using the system of marketing that has not only proved to be superior to getting products into the mainstream but also offers more people a chance to dream than any other system we have ever seen! That system is "word of mouth/network marketing!" 

There are three ways to make money with Scent-Sations: RETAIL, FUNDRAISING and RESIDUAL.


Scent-Sations offers the distributor a quality product that is sure to become a leader in the candle industry at a wholesale price that allows a profit margin that is unheard of in most direct selling opportunities. Because a distributor can literally double his or her money on each sale, the impact of selling candles for many people has been dramatic! Some of the areas that have turned out to be highly lucrative are HOME PARTIES, SHOWS, and OFFICE SALES

Many of the distributors are making craft items with the candles and earning unbelievable profits from that! And the simple "SMELL and SELL" demo allows anyone to simply ask someone if he or she burns scented candles followed by allowing the contact to smell a Mia Bella and make a sale right there on the spot.

We get calls and e-mails daily from happy distributors who are making money in so many ways that they are overjoyed to have discovered this product!


So many network-marketing companies have tried to get into fundraising but most distributors find the prospect of trying to get an organization to "sign up" into a program as an effort in futility. The Scent-Sations Inc. Fundraising program allows a distributor to approach a fundraising organization in a traditional way and that has led to remarkable success for many distributors nationwide. 

We have just touched the tip of the iceberg with the fundraising potential out there and we truly believe that anyone could make a full time income just working on fundraising alone!

Residual Income

By simply referring five people to the Candle of the Month, a distributor is eligible to receive 6 levels of income on the commissionable value of all the products ordered by that organization. The plan was set up to allow distributors to grow a big business without stress. 

We have no doubt that many of the distributors who come into Scent-Sations will be able to make a full time income by focusing their attention on these three ways of making money. 

As Scent-Sations Inc. grows we will add new and exciting products to your business. Every one of them will be the kind of product that our distributors will be proud to show their friends, relatives and customers!

-Scent-Sations, Inc.

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