Last Updated: Mar 12, 2025


One of the hallmarks of the Monroe Catholic community has always been a strong spirit of family and working together.  To further this tradition, Monroe Catholic Elementary Schools established the Family Service Program.  This was designed for a two-fold purpose, namely to help:
          1. Parents get to know one another 
          2. The school by drawing upon our families' talents and resources.  
Service hours are to be performed by parents or guardians of our currently enrolled students.  Opportunities for service will be published through our School Reach emails. Each family is required to complete 20 hours (10 hours for families whose oldest child is in PreK) of verified service to Monroe Catholic Elementary Schools, MCES-related activities or non-liturgical activities within one of our three Parishes between June 1 and May 31. A family will be billed $10 per hour (not to exceed $200 in total) for each uncompleted hour of service on the subsequent year’s tuition and fee statement. 
Additional Information:
· Hours may be accrued from June 1 through May 31 annually.
· Hours must be tracked, by each family, through the school website. 
· As you complete hours you can submit them as often possible through the school website form. 
· Any hours not completed by the last day of school will be assessed at $10 per hour and added to the family tuition statement at the end of the year. Hours not completed or paid for will be treated as unpaid tuition.
· A non-participation lump-sum fee of $200 may be paid for those choosing to forgo the volunteer hours.
· We recognize that many families will volunteer beyond the 20 hour requirement will not be recorded and need not be turned in.
Ideas for service:
Volunteering in one of the school offices
Prep work for classroom projects completed at your home
August cleanup help in the schools
Move-In Sunday Volunteer
Lunch Volunteer
Room Parent
Garden School Volunteer
Work in the Uniform Closet
Volunteer for the Auction
Maintaining the school/parish grounds
PTO committee member
Chair a PTO event
Working PTO events
Attending a PTO Meeting
Organize Box Tops or Labels for Education
Quiz bowl, spelling bee or Math Counts volunteer
Chaperoning a middle school class trip
Vicariate Dance chaperon
Spring Open House volunteer
Working on the Christmas Raffle 
Volunteer for the auction
Facility maintenance volunteer
Coach of a CYO sport
CYO Concessions worker
Call for more ideas! 
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