Last Updated: Feb 22, 2025

Complete Auto Body and
Collision Repair

It's just a matter of time before it happens to you. It probably won’t even be your fault. And odds are it'll be unavoidable.

When you need auto body or collision repairs how will you choose which shop will repair your car? Before you just pick the biggest ad in the yellow pages take a minute to call Carlson Auto Body in Everett. Locally owned for over 35 years they know what it means to take responsibility for their work. And if you think that a local shop can't match the quality of work from the big chain shops think again. From the faintest fender bender to serious collision damage just call Carlson Auto Body.

With the latest technology like laser aided frame straightening provided by a Kansas Jack Frame Rack perfect paint matching using the Du Pont Paint System and the absolute highest quality repair parts Carlson Auto Body is the local shop that gives you unbeatable body work and structural repair.

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