Last Updated: Mar 12, 2025

The company name Saving One’s Sanity, is a play on the Morse Code signal for “distress,” or S.O.S.

I’m Sue Lowry, founder of Saving One’s Sanity, LLC, and I take a simple approach when I’m at work with my clients; I want to save them from what distresses them.

Here’s the reality; there are hundreds of decisions that my clients need to make on every organizing project.  It’s that feeling of being “overwhelmed” that tends to be the most common cause of work-stoppage.   It’s hard, I get it, but I have an advantage – I spent 20 years in the Human Resource field.  It’s my certification as an Executive Coach that has contributed enormous value in helping me teach my clients how to power through their most difficult projects.

Whether it’s…

  • decluttering space to make way for a new member of the family.
  • preparing their home for market so it sells fast and for more money.
  • emptying their storage unit so they no longer waste money on rent for objects that serve no purpose.
  • transitioning their loved one to assisted care because it’s time.

My philosophy on what I do for a living is…

…that I love helping my clients get the answers out of their heads and put it into action.
…that using a product Made in America is good for business.
…that we all deserve to live a joyful life.

So, don’t postpone your happiness. To get started, call me at

(484) 702-2295.

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