Custom Inspections
Last Updated: Mar 12, 2025
A thorough analysis by a qualified, professional inspector is a lot like getting a complete medical check-up. What you don’t know can hurt you, especially if you’re in the dark when you invest in a home. We give the home a thorough, top-to-bottom visual exam, then we provide a detailed report and we may suggest that you get help from a specialist if we find symptoms of a problem.
We check the heating, air conditioning, plumbing and electrical systems, the condition of the structure and much more. Our expert analysis gives you a clearer picture of the condition of the property before you buy, sell, build or remodel.
Our inspectors have the integrity, professionalism and reliability you need to be comfortable with your property decisions. In addition to roof-to-foundation inspections, we also offer:
Some inspection services base their charges on the purchase price of the property, but we think it only fair to set a fee that reflects the size and type of structure. Contact us today for a firm price on your inspection, and to schedule an appointment that suits your needs.
We encourage our clients to accompany our inspectors - it’s an ideal time to ask questions and become more familiar with the property. Whether you’re a buyer, seller or have lived in the home for years, you may see the property in a whole new light. |