We Offer:
  • Infrared Scan free Phone App free
  • Mold testing, Radon testing
  • The Best inspection money can buy!
Last Updated: Mar 12, 2025


To the Homeowner/buyer:


 Our visual home inspection is intended to give you an “overall general condition” of the building and its main components. We pledge to fulfill this to the best of our abilities. Keep in mind; it is virtually impossible to catch every defect of an entire house in a 3-4 hour inspection. I have heard many stories of 45 – 90 minute inspections, not so when choosing Eyespy Home Inspections.



A home inspection is not protection against future failures. Components like air conditioners and heat systems can and will break down. A home inspection tells you the condition of the component at the time the component was inspected. For protection from future failure you may want to consider a home warranty. A home inspection is not an appraisal that determines the value of a home, nor will a home inspector tell you if you should buy this home or what to pay for this home.

 Services available:

Residential Home Inspection – from $199.00 (condos)

Commercial Inspections – multiple inspectors priced by the sq ft. – Call

Inspection services – with every inspection we look for organic/water intrusion , lab fees are involved for sampling (if necessary), infrared scan included (no written IR report)

Mold Inspection only – ancillary charges for organic air and lift samples, separate report

Radon Inspection Services – ancillary service booked separate from an inspection – lab fees

Asbestos – ancillary charge for testing – air, particulate or wipe sampling

Infrared services only -  An infrared scan only is a separate ancillary fee with its own written report

Pre listing services – inspect before you sell and avoid disappointments

Yearly maintenance inspections


 What Is A Home Inspection?

  A home inspection is a visual inspection of the structure and components of a home to find items that are not performing correctly or items that are unsafe. If a problem or a symptom of a problem is found the home inspector will include a description of the problem in a written report and may recommend further evaluation.

 Why is a home inspection important?



 Home Buyers: Emotion often affects the buyer and makes it hard to imagine any problems with their new home. A buyer needs a home inspection to find out all the problems possible with the home before moving in.

 Home Sellers: More and more sellers are choosing to have a thorough inspection before or when they first list their home. First and foremost, you should have a home inspection for full disclosure. You will have demonstrated that you did all you could do to reveal any defects within the home. Second, you will save money and the hassle by knowing what, if any the defects are at that time. You want to avoid issues with selling after you have already negotiated a price and then are faced with costly repairs discovered on the buyers inspection. Defects found before the buyer comes along, allows you to shop around for a contractor and not deal with inflated estimates that a buyer will present.

  What if the Home Inspection report reveals problems?

 All homes (even new construction) have problems. Every problem has a solution. Solutions vary from a simple fix of the component to adjusting the purchase price but having a home inspection allows the problem to be addressed before the sales closes.  


What does a home inspection include?


  A home inspector’s report will review the condition of the home’s heating system, central air conditioning system (temperature permitting), interior plumbing and electrical systems; the roof, attic, and visible insulation; walls, ceilings, floors, windows and doors; the foundation, basement, and visible structure. Many inspectors will also offer additional services not included in a typical home inspection such as mold,septic,radon,well,WETT, thermography and water testing.



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