Last Updated: Oct 4, 2024
Buying a home is probably the most expensive purchase you will ever make.  This is a poor time to shop for the cheapest Home Inspector that you can find.  When you consider that the cost of an inspection is small considering the proportionate cost of your home it would be apparent that you should hire the best Home Inspector that you can find.  Any cost difference between a poor inspection and the best inspection is probably due to the extra cost of doing business such as registration fees, insurance, bonds, cost of continuing education, computer software, cameras, specialized test equipment, and the extra time to do a really good inspection.
The majority of our business comes from client referrals and from real estate agent recommendations.  We work directly for our client but our loyalty is to the house.  We strive to make sure that you, our client, understand every aspect of your home inspection.  We provide you with a Final Inspection Report that will include a computerized format with pictures of places you will probably never see like the far end of the crawl space or the far corner of the attic, under access panels or on top of the roof.  The report is confidential, for your eyes only.  I will never supply copies without your permission.
As a home buyer you have a huge investment and you should be aware of every aspect of the property.  As a home seller you should know everything you can about the property so you can bring truth to the disclosure and you have the opportunity to repair any problems that might be found during an inspection that might delay or lose a sale.  As a renter you can have a home inspection before signing a lease to protect your security deposits when you move to a new life.  Or as a home owner you might consider a home inspection for a professional opinion of the condition and maintenance or safety recommendations of your current home.
Our job is to bring peace of mind to the home transaction.  Remember, "we inspect, others are just looking".
John E. Zion
P.S.  The home and garage below was my final exam for Home Inspection training.  It took three years, I did practically all of it myself and all to current code
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