We Offer:
- Services for Homeowners
- Services for Lenders
- Services for Realtors
Last Updated: Mar 31, 2025
Please call 1-844-552-5143 x 142 to make payment.
Homeowner Services
- Title Insurance Services
- Title Policies
- Closing Services
- Refinance Services
- Escrow Services
Title Insurance Services
It's important to secure yourself and your investment. When purchasing a home, you're given the deed to your property and receive full legal ownership of that property. However, there are sometimes mistakes in a prior deed, will or mortgage that may cause a problem for you. If you do not choose to purchase title insurance, you are accepting the seller's word there are no problems on the property, no ownership disputes, no encroachments, no unpaid taxes, or any other issues that could prevent you from enjoying your new home.
Having title insurance safeguards ownership of your property and can save you money, time and the stress of any legal issues. Title insurance guarantees that there have not been any title problems prior to the time a policyholder takes the title. Most of all, buying an owner's title insurance policy eliminates risk, gives you peace of mind and prevents losses caused by defects in a title from events that have happened in the past.
Title Insurance coverage typically protects you against the following:
- Errors: Incorrect information in deeds, mortgages, public records, etc.
- Liens: Claims against the property or the seller which become the new owner's responsibility after the sale
- Claims to Ownership: Claim by another family member who was not mentioned in the estate will
- Invalid Deeds: Transfer by a previous seller who did not actually own the property or by a previous owner who was not mentally competent
Closing Services
Our CTS staff is experienced, knowledgeable and ready to serve you. We understand that buying and selling a home can be stressful. We want to help. We will be in contact with you during every step of the closing process and will help provide a smooth transition into your home.
It's important to understand the closing process. Therefore, we've provided an overview of our closing steps. Be sure to review the process and ask questions if you are unfamiliar with any of these steps.
- Review title commitment information
- Coordinate clearing of title problems, if any
- Order pay-off information for existing liens
- Prepare settlement statement showing disposition of all funds
- Prepare closing documents
- Receive and review lender's closing instructions and documents
- Schedule closing, informing all parties of date, time and place
- Conduct the closing of the new mortgage transaction for the lender (if applicable)
- Conduct the closing with both buyers and sellers if the transaction is a cash, assumption or contract for deed transaction
- Disburse all funds including funds in escrow subsequent to closing
- Assure all applicable documents are recorded with county recorders office